Concord Communities Alliance

Working for a Just and Equitable Concord

Concord Communities Alliance (CCA) is a grassroots organization of Concord, CA residents, and other supporters.  We believe everyone should be able to comfortably live, work and raise a family here, but we recognize that is not currently the case. CCA exists to inform, organize, and mobilize Concord residents to achieve more just and equitable conditions for all who call our city their home.




About Concord Communities Alliance

Concord Communities Alliance strives for a more affordable, inclusive, and respectful Concord for ALL residents, which we believe can be achieved through engagement, dialogue, and empowerment. Everyone should be able to comfortably live, work, and raise a family here, move about Concord efficiently and sustainably, and do so in ways that respect and facilitate the ability of their neighbor to do the same. 

CCA exists to inform, organize and mobilize Concord residents to achieve more just and equitable conditions for all who call our city their home—to move beyond the status quo to political, economic, and social conditions consistent with the shared American values of mutual respect, fairness, democracy, and the common good.


Unhoused folks are our neighbors as much as any renter or homeowner in Concord. They deserve patience, persistent outreach, and as many support services as we can provide until they are placed in more permanent housing. CCA works with many community partners on outreach and advocacy for unhoused members of our community.

CCA also advocates for affordable housing and tenant protections that will ensure folks who are housed can stay housed.


At CCA, we believe in a safe and equitable Concord for our most vulnerable communities. Our goal is to unite and empower citizens to demand services that uplift Concord residents – services like housing, mental health support, transportation, education, and healthcare. We work with citizens and community organizations to gather data on funding, resources, and community impact. We use this to fight for transparency, civilian oversight, and an ultimate reduction in surveillance, gang databases, and police patrolling in our communities.


The development of the Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS) will be one of the most significant projects in Concord’s history. The decisions made will affect affordable housing, local labor unions, open space and environmental preservation, and transit planning (among many others) which are vitally important aspects of Concord’s future. Our goal at CCA is to engage with residents and community stakeholders and advocate for the needs of the most impacted.

Recent Posts from CCA:

An Open Letter to the Concord City Council

An Open Letter to the current members of the Concord City Council: The development of the CNWS land is far too important a step in the life of Concord to be treated cavalierly. And the process for moving forward should be firmly rooted in respecting the voices of...

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Is Concord Ready for Police Drones?

Here at CCA, we don't think so. We need basic transparency from the Concord PD on their drone program proposal and use policy. As presented to us, the use policy (viewable here), is void of a police oversight committee or commission, budget expenditures, tools to...

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Events with CCA:

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Sign up to receive our updates from Concord Communities Alliance. We will send out occasional newsletters, updates on our work, and calls to action. We will even send out the occasional call to action from our partners! If you want to get involved but you’re not ready to be a full CCA member, this is the place for you. Talk to you soon!



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Get in Touch!

Relationships are the bedrock of our work, so your comments, questions and input are important. If you have something on your mind, please don’t hesitate to contact us!