by CCA | Mar 1, 2022 | Community Safety
Defund Concord PD Rebrands In March of 2021, Defund Concord PD members voted to become an Action Team of Concord Communities Alliance. CCA agreed that Defund Concord PD should maintain the original mission and demands and continue to take guidance from the Movement...
by CCA | Nov 28, 2021 | Community Safety
November Community Safety Update The Community Safety action team has been busy over the last few months defending Concord residents’ civil liberties and rights to privacy. We are continually asking the City Council to re-imagine community safety and reinvest in its...
by CCA | Oct 10, 2021 | Community Safety
Is Concord Ready for Police Drones? Here at CCA, we don’t think so. We need basic transparency from the Concord PD on their drone program proposal and use policy. As presented to us, the use policy (viewable here), is void of a police oversight committee or...